Storybook and Chromatic

For visual testing, GAIA comes with Storybook and Chromatic pre-configured.


Component-Driven Development is a proven methodology for building web applications. It involves breaking down the UI into small, reusable components that can be developed, tested, and documented in isolation. This makes it easier to build, maintain, and scale applications.

GAIA’s Storybook comes with has many helpful features setup and ready to go.

Storybook is configured to look for stories anywhere in the app folder, following the *.stories.tsx pattern.

Environment variable support

The setup for supporting environment variables in Storybook is done. As you modify your env vars, you’ll need to make changes to these two files.

  • .storybook/main.ts - In the viteFinal function, the various environment variables are added to the define object.
  • .storybook/env.ts - The environment variables assigned in main.ts are applied to the window.process.env object.

react-i18next support

The storybook-react-i18next addon is included, which allows you to switch languages in Storybook. Follow the addon’s instructions to configure it for your project.

The .storybook/i18next.ts file imports your i18n setup from the main project, including the language strings. This is applied in the preview.ts file.

Wrap Decorator

GAIA sets Storybook layout to fullscreen. This is so you can preview components which take up the entire screen. However, this means all components will render in the top left corner.

To compensate for this, you want to add some padding, max width, etc. around the component story. Rather than having to write this yourself in every story, GAIA includes a decorator that you can use to do this.

In your story files meta object, add a parameter wrap and set it to the Tailwind classes you want to use, and the decorator will wrap your story in a div with those classes.

The most common one to use is wrap: 'p-4' which will add padding of 1rem around the component.

There are examples of this in use throughout the project.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts are preloaded in the .storybook/preview-head.html file. You can modify or remove which fonts are loaded by modifying this file.


Chromatic is a visual testing tool that integrates with Storybook. It allows you to see visual changes in your components and stories.

To get it working, all you need to do is login to Chromatic, and follow the instructions to add your CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN to your GitHub repository secrets.

If you are using a different CI/CD service than GitHub actions, you’ll need to make the required changes.


If you don’t want to use Chromatic, you need to make the following changes:

Uninstall these packages:

npm un -D chromatic && npm un -D @chromatic-com/storybook

Delete these:

  • .github/workflows/chromatic.yml
  • .storybook/chromatic

Edit .storybook/preview.ts

import {decorators} from './chromatic'; // delete this import
import WrapDecorator from './decorators/WrapDecorator'; // add this import

// in the preview object set decorators:
decorators: [WrapDecorator]
// and delete this line:
chromatic: {viewports: [1280]}

Remove chromatic: {disableSnapshot: true}, from any stories which have it.