Quick Start

Getting started with GAIA is easy. This guide will help you get up and running quickly.


Make sure you have Node.js >=20.17.0 LTS installed, preferably via nvm.

All you need to do is run this installation command and follow the prompts.

npx create-remix@latest --template gaia-react/remix

Install packages

npm install

Setup Fix on Save in your IDE

Follow these instructions.


Duplicate the .env.example file and name it .env (if you skipped this step during installation).


npm run storybook


npm run dev


This template comes with Tailwind CSS configured, with some configuration and utilities, which you can change to suit your project.

See the Vite docs on css for more information.


FontAwesome is included. You’re free to change it if you like.


Remix-i18next is configured with examples.

Storybook is already configured with react-i18n support.


GAIA comes with a full testing suite already configured.

Unit and Integration

  npm t
  // or
  npm run test

Visual Regression


You’ll need to set your CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN env variable on your CI.



npx playwright test

Interactive mode:

npx playwright test --ui


GAIA comes with the default Remix deployment configuration. You can change this to whatever deployment process you prefer.

Here’s the basic Remix deployment process:

npm run build

Then run the app in production mode:

npm start

You’ll need to pick a host to deploy it to. Jacob Paris wrote a great article on where to host your Remix app.


If you’re familiar with deploying Node applications, the built-in Remix app server is production-ready.

Make sure to deploy the output of npm run build

  • build/server
  • build/client